Within five minutes of being back on the road again, I open the Nutter Butters, give one to Tom and I take the other one; we both take a bite and look at each other and can't quite figure out what is wrong; they don't taste like peanut butter, they kind of taste like the gas station smelled. I immediately look at the package, they expired almost two years ago!!!! Needless to say, it might be awhile before I can eat a Nutter Butter again or if I ever stop in Vaughn, NM it will be too soon!
We officially hit Roswell and went directly down to Main St. which is where all the crazy alien fun is; totally cliche', even the McDonald's there is shaped like an alien space ship! Although Roswell was lots of fun, there really isn't much to do there; especially with the holiday, everyone was closing early, but I would guess even with every place running on regular hours that one day would be plenty of time to spend in the city.
The night we were in Roswell also coincided with New Years Eve, so what do you do when your in a new town, staying in a hotel and have a furchild with you that doesn't do so well in new places. Well you order dinner in, we actually ordered from Big D's Downtown Dive, open a bottle of port from the wine cellar and sit around making aluminum foil hats to prevent any possible alien abductions! Such a great and fun night, and just to add, Roswell surprisingly had the best food of the entire road trek! Yeah, shocker; imagine our surprise when we bit into the deliciousness!
Next stop "Home Sweet San Antonio!"
I wrote a comment and lost it somehow so I will try again. I loved the story about the gas station, peeing and the nutter butter you bought. Whenever Tony and I go on a road trip I have to map out where all the bathroom stops are because my worst nightmare is having no place to stop. So this gave me a good belly laugh. I'm glad you made it safe and sound to your first home base. Enjoy the rest of your trip and have fun in San Antonio.