After our pop-in, in Kanab, we headed directly to Phoenix for days 2-4 on our trip to hang with Tom's parents for Christmas which was fantastic and something we were both in dire need of; parents to take care of us! Seriously, they spoiled us and pretty much took care of everything; it was so nice to just let go and let it happen; which those of you that know me, know I like to be the one doing the taking care of, so it was a delightful change of roles for me. So thank you Mom & Dad "C" for everything and making Christmas perfect! I am not even going to mention the runs and hikes we got in at 70 degree temperatures, because that would be really mean; but they might've really kicked ass!
I promise more to come, but with everything, I debated one giant post, but feel that a lot of the adventures and experiences would be left out. So sorry, it'll come one journey at a time; please bear with me.
We were THRILLED to have you, Tom and our granddoggie for Christmas this year. We enjoyed every moment of quality time with you guys and I really had fun with Ethel. She is just so cute. Thank you both so much for taking the time to stay with us and make our Christmas merry and bright just like the song. :) We can't wait to enjoy all your blog posts about your trip. It is so exciting being able to come along vicariously with you.